I have returned from Artfest 2009. Just like last year, it was an amazing experience.
The Shuttle Buddies, including Kim and Lorraine and myself, met at the Pilot House at the Seattle airport where we hugged and talked as fast as possible.
After Kim organized the boarding of the shuttles, she put our traveling companions to work creating two group drawings to keep us busy for the two hour ride to Fort Worden. (The incredible finished pieces will be posted later.)
This being our sophomore year at Artfest, Kim, Lorraine and I decided to skip the orientation and plant ourselves in the common room wearing our pajamas to catch up on everything. (Of course, we were drawing most of the time.)
Classes started the next day and I could not have been happier with my teachers. I will blog later the stories and post photos of the finished projects. At least one of them will make you laugh (it involves a meat thermometer and cake decorating equipment).
Oh yes, I must not fail to comment on "The figure I saw in the parking lot cracks." After taking Carla Sonheim's class, I am seeing imaginary creatures everywhere - even though the class I took from her was "Junk Mail Art." Check out her blog and you will see how she influenced me.
More about Artfest in my next post.