Those of you, who know my gray cat JJ, know he likes to talk. Every evening when I come home, he fills my ears full of how much he slept, where he slept and how many birds he saw from the window.
Lately though, JJ has been spinning some wild tales about some bizarre things happening in the loft. Most of it I did not believe until I started seeing evidence of missed placed things. But I assumed he was staging the pranks and getting a good laugh out of it.
He insisted he was telling the truth, so I told him he had to prove it to me. I left him my camera and told him to capture the deeds in progress. I thought I was the one going to have a good laugh. JJ with a camera with those paws of his!
Last night with JJ sitting smugly next to me, I looked at the photos and could not believe my eyes. Was I really seeing three of the Spirit Dolls playing a dice game? The photo was crooked and blurry but there was no mistaking what was there. JJ then jumped off the chair and strutted away. I asked him how long this had been going on. He told me the games were only a recent development. Before, they had been trying to pop the cork on a wine bottle and once they were able to open the refrigerator door, but gave it up when all they found was wilted lettuce.
JJ assures me many more things go on in “My Playhouse” when I am gone. I asked him to report everything to me and that I would get him a tripod for the camera.