Wouldn't Mabel love this chair? I found it through Apartment Therapy blog which took me to Broberg Riddlestrale where I fell in love with everything - especially the Stuff Bowl and the Electric Table. I know this is not normally my style (sleek and clean vs. coarse and messy), but the cleverness hooked me.
Molino Street has been totally demolished by a huge Caterpillar tractor that Mabel (I am sure) watched all day yesterday. I understand it hit a water line which left the building without water for a few hours (while I was at work). I am assuming JJ was not happy with all the noise and commotion since when I returned home last night, he had a lot of "stories" to tell me. The street turned into a huge mud pie after the water line broke.
Manuel Flores and I talking about writing a book about work. I want to call my part Centavo and the Bogeyman.