I can just hear Jessica now. "Aunt Penny, that is so ugly." But I can't help myself. I like covering containers with paper and hot gluing them together. I call this one Granddaddy Pringle.
This weekend was much more productive than last weekend when I was so sick. Cherry and I made a visit to the Fashion District and found a store where you can buy women's suits at wholesale prices. I bought a grey suit and wish I had bought more.
We then went over to the produce market and buy lots of veggies and fruit. It is nice having all these things close to my home.
I spent Sunday sewing and at the end of the day I had given birth to "Edward." I will post a picture tomorrow using my new EZ photo cube. It is suppose to make photos look more professional.
He isn't that ugly.
Posted by: Jessica | March 13, 2007 at 07:25 AM